Vitae Bert Geurkink


study Political Science at University of Amsterdam (1974-1975; UG)

Theatre in Education at HKU, Utrecht (1975-1980; BA)

School of Acting, ArtEZ, Arnhem  (1983-1988; BA)

Hochschule der Künste,Berlin,Fb.9 Schauspiel 1987



actor in ‘Wolokolamsker Chausee I,III von Heiner Müller (German laguage ); regie Sabine Andreas at the Heiner Müller Festival, Berlin (1987)

actor at ‘De Trust’ (later ‘Theatercompagnie’), Amsterdam in 35 plays, a.o. Kostja in ‘the Seagull’,  Mark in ‘Shopping and Fucking’, Camille in ‘Dantons Death’

director of ‘März’ Heinar Kipphardt

Free-lance  actor at the Nationale Toneel, Toneelschuur, Oostpool, Zuidelijk Toneel

Resident director at ‘Soldaat van Oranje’ (‘Soldier of Orange’; musical. Also played the role of ‘van ’t Sant’ ) 2015-2016

‘Het Verzet Kraakt’  Herman Höften, leading role/Musictheatre (2017)

‘Hanna van Hendrik’ – Johanna ter Steege & Liesbeth Coltof, 2022



Vigor ( Frouke Fokkema) 1990

1000 Rosen (Theu  Boermans) 1994

Tiramisu ( Paula vd Oest) 2008

T2h (‘Between two houses’ Clara van Gool) 2005

Sonny Boy ( Maria Peters ) 2011

De Bende van Oss ( André van Duren ) 2011

Dans les coulisses du traité de Rome ( Martin Fraudreau) 2017

nr.10 ( Alex van Warmerdam) 2021

Het Geheugenspel (2023) Lien Willaert, Jan Verheyen



Tijd van Leven ( André van Duren ) 1996

De Partizanen ( Theu  Boermans ) 1994

Deadline I & II ( Arno Dierickx )2008-2010

Petticoat ( Pim van Hoeve en Thomas Korthals Altes) 2016

Voetbalmaffia ( Mark de Cloe) 2017

Flikken Maastricht, Jazz ( Pieter van Rijn) 2020

Hoogvliegers (Bobby Boermans) 2020


d i r e c t i n g

Jules et Jim ( adaption of the screenplay of Francois Truffaut  &  the diaries of Henri Pierre Roché ) 1992

März   ( Heinar Kipphardt, adaption Bert Geurkink ) 1994

The Waves ( Virginia Woolf, adaption Bert Geurkink ) 1999

WOLF!  ( an adaption of ‘Schaap met Laarsjes’ written by Maritgen Matter, adaptation Bert Geurkink 2006

Winner of the 2007 the Victor Award at the international Showcase of  Performing Arts for Children In Cleveland Ohio,

Blowing   ( Jeroen van de Berg ) 2005

Arabian  Night ( Roland Schimmelpfennig ) 2007

Hanna van Hendrik ( Bouke Oldenhof) ( direction ensemble ) 2019

Ich lieb dich ( Kristo Szagor), KJT Schauspiel Dortmund, 2021


t e a c h i n g 

2010*2018 Artistic coordinator and senior lecturer at ‘the  Jaargang’ /  Kemna Training, a private school for acting,  Amsterdam

Teacher at Hogeschool der Kunsten Utrecht, Acting,

(elementary, scènic work and acting for the camera )

also worked as guest teacher at the major theatre schools  of NL, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Maastricht

Professor Scenic Study @ Emerson College Boston

location castle Well, Limburg ( NL)

2021  Acting Coach GTST (daily Dutch drama series )


o t h e r 

2008*2011 advisor Theatre NFPK (PerformingArtsFundNL)

2013*2019  Ambassasor Focus Filmtheatre Arnhem